

Javascript テクノロジー プログラミング 特集

今日も謎掛けやってみます。 「mp3」と掛けまして、 「プロ野球球団側の意見」と、ときます。 そのココロは・・・ プレイヤーにはこだわりたい。 ・・・ユゲタです。 今回は、技術内容を散々記事にしてきた、input,type="file"で選択されたmp3ファイルから、id3タグ情報取得できるライブラリを作ってみました。 検索してみても、nodejsライブラリしか見つからないmp3のid3タグ情報を取得するライブラリですが、 普通に使おうとしても、文字化けしたり、環境条件が合わなかったりして、うまく動作しなかったので、 このライブラリで便利に使えると思います。


mp3_id3 = (function(){ var LIB = function(){}; LIB.prototype.bin2str = function(arr){ var str = ""; for(var i in arr){ str += String.fromCharCode(arr[i]); } str = str.replace(/\u000f/g , ""); return str; }; // @ [0,1,2,3] LIB.prototype.size_bit = function(datas , bit){ var num = 0; for(var i=0; i<datas.length; i++){ var shift = (datas.length - 1 - i); if(shift){ num += datas[i] << (bit * shift); } else{ num += datas[i]; } } return num; }; LIB.prototype.getFrameKey = function(key){ for(var i in frame_arr){ if(frame_arr[i][0] === key){ return i; } else if(frame_arr[i][1] === key){ return i; } } return key; }; LIB.prototype.txtEncoding = function(bite){ switch(bite){ case 0x00: return "iso-8859-1"; case 0x01: return "utf-16"; case 0x02: return "utf-16be"; case 0x03: return "utf-8"; default: return "iso-8859-1"; } }; LIB.prototype.bin2txt = function(data){ var enc = new LIB().txtEncoding(data[0]); var dec = new TextDecoder(enc); switch(enc){ case "utf-16": case "utf-16be": case "utf-8": var txt = dec.decode(data.slice(1)); var esc = unescape(encodeURIComponent(txt)); return decodeURIComponent(escape(esc)); default: return dec.decode(data); } }; var mp3_id3 = function(){}; = function(file , callback){ var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); reader.onload = (function(e){ var target =; var res = this.v1(target.result , target.buffer); if(res === null){ res = this.v2(target.result , target.buffer); } callback(res); }).bind(this); }; // ---------- // id3v1 mp3_id3.prototype.v1 = function(binary){ if(!binary){return null;} var data = (new Uint8Array(binary)).slice(-128); if (data[0] + data[1] + data[2] !== 220) {return null} var lib = new LIB(); return { header : { id : lib.bin2str(data.slice( 0, 0 + 3)), type : 1, var : (!data[127]) ? "1.0" : "1.1", version : (!data[127]) ? 0 : 1 }, frame : { title : this.v1_str(data.slice( 3, 3 + 30)), artist : this.v1_str(data.slice(33, 33 + 30)), album : this.v1_str(data.slice(63, 63 + 30)), year : lib.bin2str(data.slice(93, 93 + 4)), comment : this.v1_str(data.slice(97, 97 + 30)), track : data[126], genre : data[127] && typeof v1_genre[data[127]] !== "undefined" ? v1_genre[data[127]] : data[127] } }; }; mp3_id3.prototype.v1_str = function(data){ var txt = new TextDecoder("SJIS"); return txt.decode(data); } // ---------- // id3v2 mp3_id3.prototype.v2 = function(binary , buffer){ if(!binary){return null;} var data = new Uint8Array(binary); var res = {}; // header var header = this.v2_header(data.slice(0 , 10)); if( !== "ID3"){return null;} res.header = header; // frame switch(header.version){ case 2: var frame = this.v22_frames(data.slice(10 , header.size) , 0); break; case 3: var frame = this.v23_frames(data.slice(10 , header.size) , 0); break; case 4: } res.frame = frame; return res; }; mp3_id3.prototype.v2_header = function(datas){ return { id : new LIB().bin2str(datas.slice(0, 3)), type : 2, ver : "2."+datas[3], version : datas[3], debug : datas[4], flg : datas[5], size : this.v2_header_size(datas.slice(6, 6 + 4)) }; }; mp3_id3.prototype.v2_header_size = function(datas){ var num = 0; num += datas[0] << 0x15; num += datas[1] << 14; num += datas[2] << 7; num += datas[3]; return num; }; // ---------- // v2.2 mp3_id3.prototype.v22_frames = function(datas , offset){ var res = {}; while(datas.length > offset){ var data = this.v22_frame(datas.slice(offset)); if(!{break;} if(data.size <= 6){break;} offset += data.size; var key = new LIB().getFrameKey(; if(typeof res[key] === "undefined"){ res[key] =; } else{ if(typeof res[key] === "string"){ var d1 = res[key]; res[key] = []; res[key].push(d1); } res[key].push(; } } return res; }; mp3_id3.prototype.v22_frame = function(datas){ var lib = new LIB(); var id = datas.slice(0, 0 + 3); var size_arr = datas.slice(3, 3 + 3); var size = lib.size_bit(size_arr , 8) + 6; var flg = datas[6]; var data_arr = datas.slice(7 , size); var utf16 = new TextDecoder("utf-16"); var data = flg ? utf16.decode(data_arr) : lib.bin2str(data_arr); data = data.replace(/\u0000/g , ""); return { id : lib.bin2str(id), size : size, flg : flg, data : data }; }; // ---------- // v2.3 mp3_id3.prototype.v23_frames = function(datas , offset){ var res = {}; while(datas.length > offset){ var data = this.v23_frame(datas.slice(offset)); if(!{break;} if(data.size <= 10){break;} offset += data.size; var key = new LIB().getFrameKey(; if(typeof res[key] === "undefined"){ res[key] =; } else{ if(typeof res[key] === "string"){ var d1 = res[key]; res[key] = []; res[key].push(d1); } res[key].push(; } } return res; }; mp3_id3.prototype.v23_frame = function(datas){ var lib = new LIB(); var id = datas.slice(0, 0 + 4); var size_arr = datas.slice(4, 4 + 4); var size = lib.size_bit(size_arr , 8) + 10; var flg_arr = datas.slice(8, 8 + 2); var flg = lib.size_bit(flg_arr , 8); var data_arr = datas.slice(10 , size); var data = new LIB().bin2txt(data_arr); data = data.replace(/\u0000/g , ""); return { id : lib.bin2str(id), size : size, flg : flg, data : data }; }; var PICTURE_TYPES = { "0": "Other", "1": "32x32 pixels 'file icon' (PNG only)", "2": "Other file icon", "3": "Cover (front)", "4": "Cover (back)", "5": "Leaflet page", "6": "Media (e.g. lable side of CD)", "7": "Lead artist/lead performer/soloist", "8": "Artist/performer", "9": "Conductor", A: "Band/Orchestra", B: "Composer", C: "Lyricist/text writer", D: "Recording Location", E: "During recording", F: "During performance", "10": "Movie/video screen capture", "11": "A bright coloured fish", //<--- WTF? "12": "Illustration", "13": "Band/artist logotype", "14": "Publisher/Studio logotype" }; //from: //TODO: replace with something longer var TAGS = { AENC: "Audio encryption", APIC: "Attached picture", COMM: "Comments", COMR: "Commercial frame", ENCR: "Encryption method registration", EQUA: "Equalization", ETCO: "Event timing codes", GEOB: "General encapsulated object", GRID: "Group identification registration", IPLS: "Involved people list", LINK: "Linked information", MCDI: "Music CD identifier", MLLT: "MPEG location lookup table", OWNE: "Ownership frame", PRIV: "Private frame", PCNT: "Play counter", POPM: "Popularimeter", POSS: "Position synchronisation frame", RBUF: "Recommended buffer size", RVAD: "Relative volume adjustment", RVRB: "Reverb", SYLT: "Synchronized lyric/text", SYTC: "Synchronized tempo codes", TALB: "Album", TBPM: "BPM", TCOM: "Composer", TCON: "Genre", TCOP: "Copyright message", TDAT: "Date", TDLY: "Playlist delay", TENC: "Encoded by", TEXT: "Lyricist", TFLT: "File type", TIME: "Time", TIT1: "Content group description", TIT2: "Title", TIT3: "Subtitle", TKEY: "Initial key", TLAN: "Language(s)", TLEN: "Length", TMED: "Media type", TOAL: "Original album", TOFN: "Original filename", TOLY: "Original lyricist", TOPE: "Original artist", TORY: "Original release year", TOWN: "File owner", TPE1: "Artist", TPE2: "Band", TPE3: "Conductor", TPE4: "Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by", TPOS: "Part of a set", TPUB: "Publisher", TRCK: "Track number", TRDA: "Recording dates", TRSN: "Internet radio station name", TRSO: "Internet radio station owner", TSIZ: "Size", TSRC: "ISRC (international standard recording code)", TSSE: "Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding", TYER: "Year", TXXX: "User defined text information frame", UFID: "Unique file identifier", USER: "Terms of use", USLT: "Unsychronized lyric/text transcription", WCOM: "Commercial information", WCOP: "Copyright/Legal information", WOAF: "Official audio file webpage", WOAR: "Official artist/performer webpage", WOAS: "Official audio source webpage", WORS: "Official internet radio station homepage", WPAY: "Payment", WPUB: "Publishers official webpage", WXXX: "User defined URL link frame" }; var TAG_MAPPING_2_2_to_2_3 = { BUF: "RBUF", COM: "COMM", CRA: "AENC", EQU: "EQUA", ETC: "ETCO", GEO: "GEOB", MCI: "MCDI", MLL: "MLLT", PIC: "APIC", POP: "POPM", REV: "RVRB", RVA: "RVAD", SLT: "SYLT", STC: "SYTC", TAL: "TALB", TBP: "TBPM", TCM: "TCOM", TCO: "TCON", TCR: "TCOP", TDA: "TDAT", TDY: "TDLY", TEN: "TENC", TFT: "TFLT", TIM: "TIME", TKE: "TKEY", TLA: "TLAN", TLE: "TLEN", TMT: "TMED", TOA: "TOPE", TOF: "TOFN", TOL: "TOLY", TOR: "TORY", TOT: "TOAL", TP1: "TPE1", TP2: "TPE2", TP3: "TPE3", TP4: "TPE4", TPA: "TPOS", TPB: "TPUB", TRC: "TSRC", TRD: "TRDA", TRK: "TRCK", TSI: "TSIZ", TSS: "TSSE", TT1: "TIT1", TT2: "TIT2", TT3: "TIT3", TXT: "TEXT", TXX: "TXXX", TYE: "TYER", UFI: "UFID", ULT: "USLT", WAF: "WOAF", WAR: "WOAR", WAS: "WOAS", WCM: "WCOM", WCP: "WCOP", WPB: "WPB", WXX: "WXXX" }; //pulled from and changed with a simple replace //probably should be an array instead, but thats harder to convert -_- var v1_genre = { "0": "Blues", "1": "Classic Rock", "2": "Country", "3": "Dance", "4": "Disco", "5": "Funk", "6": "Grunge", "7": "Hip-Hop", "8": "Jazz", "9": "Metal", "10": "New Age", "11": "Oldies", "12": "Other", "13": "Pop", "14": "R&B", "15": "Rap", "16": "Reggae", "17": "Rock", "18": "Techno", "19": "Industrial", "20": "Alternative", "21": "Ska", "22": "Death Metal", "23": "Pranks", "24": "Soundtrack", "25": "Euro-Techno", "26": "Ambient", "27": "Trip-Hop", "28": "Vocal", "29": "Jazz+Funk", "30": "Fusion", "31": "Trance", "32": "Classical", "33": "Instrumental", "34": "Acid", "35": "House", "36": "Game", "37": "Sound Clip", "38": "Gospel", "39": "Noise", "40": "AlternRock", "41": "Bass", "42": "Soul", "43": "Punk", "44": "Space", "45": "Meditative", "46": "Instrumental Pop", "47": "Instrumental Rock", "48": "Ethnic", "49": "Gothic", "50": "Darkwave", "51": "Techno-Industrial", "52": "Electronic", "53": "Pop-Folk", "54": "Eurodance", "55": "Dream", "56": "Southern Rock", "57": "Comedy", "58": "Cult", "59": "Gangsta", "60": "Top 40", "61": "Christian Rap", "62": "Pop/Funk", "63": "Jungle", "64": "Native American", "65": "Cabaret", "66": "New Wave", "67": "Psychadelic", "68": "Rave", "69": "Showtunes", "70": "Trailer", "71": "Lo-Fi", "72": "Tribal", "73": "Acid Punk", "74": "Acid Jazz", "75": "Polka", "76": "Retro", "77": "Musical", "78": "Rock & Roll", "79": "Hard Rock", "80": "Folk", "81": "Folk-Rock", "82": "National Folk", "83": "Swing", "84": "Fast Fusion", "85": "Bebob", "86": "Latin", "87": "Revival", "88": "Celtic", "89": "Bluegrass", "90": "Avantgarde", "91": "Gothic Rock", "92": "Progressive Rock", "93": "Psychedelic Rock", "94": "Symphonic Rock", "95": "Slow Rock", "96": "Big Band", "97": "Chorus", "98": "Easy Listening", "99": "Acoustic", "100": "Humour", "101": "Speech", "102": "Chanson", "103": "Opera", "104": "Chamber Music", "105": "Sonata", "106": "Symphony", "107": "Booty Bass", "108": "Primus", "109": "Porn Groove", "110": "Satire", "111": "Slow Jam", "112": "Club", "113": "Tango", "114": "Samba", "115": "Folklore", "116": "Ballad", "117": "Power Ballad", "118": "Rhythmic Soul", "119": "Freestyle", "120": "Duet", "121": "Punk Rock", "122": "Drum Solo", "123": "A capella", "124": "Euro-House", "125": "Dance Hall" }; var _frames = { // v2.2 "BUF" : "Recommended buffer size", "CNT" : "Play counter", "COM" : "Comments", "CRA" : "Audio encryption", "CRM" : "Encrypted meta frame", "ETC" : "Event timing codes", "EQU" : "Equalization", "GEO" : "General encapsulated object", "IPL" : "Involved people list", "LNK" : "Linked information", "MCI" : "Music CD Identifier", "MLL" : "MPEG location lookup table", "PIC" : "Attached picture", "POP" : "Popularimeter", "REV" : "Reverb", "RVA" : "Relative volume adjustment", "SLT" : "Synchronized lyric/text", "STC" : "Synced tempo codes", "TAL" : "Album/Movie/Show title", "TBP" : "BPM (Beats Per Minute)", "TCM" : "Composer", "TCO" : "Content type", "TCR" : "Copyright message", "TDA" : "Date", "TDY" : "Playlist delay", "TEN" : "Encoded by", "TFT" : "File type", "TIM" : "Time", "TKE" : "Initial key", "TLA" : "Language(s)", "TLE" : "Length", "TMT" : "Media type", "TOA" : "Original artist(s)/performer(s)", "TOF" : "Original filename", "TOL" : "Original Lyricist(s)/text writer(s)", "TOR" : "Original release year", "TOT" : "Original album/Movie/Show title", "TP1" : "Lead artist(s)/Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)/Performing group", "TP2" : "Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment", "TP3" : "Conductor/Performer refinement", "TP4" : "Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by", "TPA" : "Part of a set", "TPB" : "Publisher", "TRC" : "ISRC (International Standard Recording Code)", "TRD" : "Recording dates", "TRK" : "Track number/Position in set", "TSI" : "Size", "TSS" : "Software/hardware and settings used for encoding", "TT1" : "Content group description", "TT2" : "Title/Songname/Content description", "TT3" : "Subtitle/Description refinement", "TXT" : "Lyricist/text writer", "TXX" : "User defined text information frame", "TYE" : "Year", "UFI" : "Unique file identifier", "ULT" : "Unsychronized lyric/text transcription", "WAF" : "Official audio file webpage", "WAR" : "Official artist/performer webpage", "WAS" : "Official audio source webpage", "WCM" : "Commercial information", "WCP" : "Copyright/Legal information", "WPB" : "Publishers official webpage", "WXX" : "User defined URL link frame", // v2.3 "AENC" : "Audio encryption", "APIC" : "Attached picture", "COMM" : "Comments", "COMR" : "Commercial frame", "ENCR" : "Encryption method registration", "EQUA" : "Equalization", "ETCO" : "Event timing codes", "GEOB" : "General encapsulated object", "GRID" : "Group identification registration", "IPLS" : "Involved people list", "LINK" : "Linked information", "MCDI" : "Music CD identifier", "MLLT" : "MPEG location lookup table", "OWNE" : "Ownership frame", "PRIV" : "Private frame", "PCNT" : "Play counter", "POPM" : "Popularimeter", "POSS" : "Position synchronisation frame", "RBUF" : "Recommended buffer size", "RVAD" : "Relative volume adjustment", "RVRB" : "Reverb", "SYLT" : "Synchronized lyric/text", "SYTC" : "Synchronized tempo codes", "TALB" : "Album/Movie/Show title", "TBPM" : "BPM (beats per minute)", "TCOM" : "Composer", "TCON" : "Content type", "TCOP" : "Copyright message", "TDAT" : "Date", "TDLY" : "Playlist delay", "TENC" : "Encoded by", "TEXT" : "Lyricist/Text writer", "TFLT" : "File type", "TIME" : "Time", "TIT1" : "Content group description", "TIT2" : "Title/songname/content description", "TIT3" : "Subtitle/Description refinement", "TKEY" : "Initial key", "TLAN" : "Language(s)", "TLEN" : "Length", "TMED" : "Media type", "TOAL" : "Original album/movie/show title", "TOFN" : "Original filename", "TOLY" : "Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s)", "TOPE" : "Original artist(s)/performer(s)", "TORY" : "Original release year", "TOWN" : "File owner/licensee", "TPE1" : "Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)", "TPE2" : "Band/orchestra/accompaniment", "TPE3" : "Conductor/performer refinement", "TPE4" : "Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by", "TPOS" : "Part of a set", "TPUB" : "Publisher", "TRCK" : "Track number/Position in set", "TRDA" : "Recording dates", "TRSN" : "Internet radio station name", "TRSO" : "Internet radio station owner", "TSIZ" : "Size", "TSRC" : "ISRC (international standard recording code)", "TSSE" : "Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding", "TYER" : "Year", "TXXX" : "User defined text information frame", "UFID" : "Unique file identifier", "USER" : "Terms of use", "USLT" : "Unsychronized lyric/text transcription", "WCOM" : "Commercial information", "WCOP" : "Copyright/Legal information", "WOAF" : "Official audio file webpage", "WOAR" : "Official artist/performer webpage", "WOAS" : "Official audio source webpage", "WORS" : "Official internet radio station homepage", "WPAY" : "Payment", "WPUB" : "Publishers official webpage", "WXXX" : "User defined URL link frame" }; var header_arr = [ "id", "type", "version", "debug", "flg", "size" ]; var frame_arr = { "title" : ["TIT2", "TT2"], "artist" : ["TPE1", "TP1"], "album" : ["TALB", "TAL"], "year" : ["TYER", "TYE"], "comment" : ["COMM", "COM"], "track" : ["TRCK", "TRK"], "genre" : ["TCON", "TCO"], "picture" : ["APIC", "PIC"], "lyrics" : ["USLT", "ULT"] }; var _defaultShortcuts = ["title", "artist", "album", "track"]; return mp3_id3; })();


inputタグのtype="file"をエレメント選択した状態で、element.filesで取得されるfileAPIを以下のように送ると、情報が取得できます。 var element = document.querySelector("[type='file]"); new mp3_id3().read(element.files[0] , (function(data){ if(!data){return;} if(typeof data.header === "undefined" || typeof data.frame === "undefined"){return;} console.log(data); }).bind(this)); callback部分のdataに、ヘッダ情報とframe情報が取得できます。 残念ながら、デー他読み込み処理が入るので、async処理をしなければならず、callback仕様にしています。 なので、返り値で取得することはできません。 グローバル変数などに格納して、ご使用ください。 こんなニッチな機能、ほとんど使う人などいないと思うけれど、ごくたま〜にあったら便利という人がいるので、面白い!


[Javascript] ファイルをバイナリ操作する方法 #1 ファイルアクセスの仕方 [Javascript] ファイルをバイナリ操作する方法 #2 アドレス操作 [Javascript] ファイルをバイナリ操作する方法 #3 数値計算 [Javascript] ファイルをバイナリ操作する方法 #4 文字エンコード処理




このWebサイトは、独自思考で我が道を行くユゲタの少し尖った思考のTechブログです。 毎日興味がどんどん切り替わるので、テーマはマルチになっています。 もしかしたらアイデアに困っている人の助けになるかもしれません。

ブログ アーカイブ